كلية التمريض

المجلة البحثية

موقع المجلة علي بنك المعرفة المصري:

Port Said Scientific Journal of Nursing (ekb.eg)


رئيس مجلس ادارة المجلة
أ.د/ أمل أحمد خليل
سكرتير رئيس التحرير
أ.د/أمل بكر ابو العطا


تامل المجلة العلمية لكلية التمريض جامعة بورسعيد الى نشر أبحاث علمية متميزة على المستوى المحلى والاقليمى والدولى


تتميز المجلة العلمية لكلية التمريض جامعة بورسعيد بنشر ابحاث علمية متميزة على قدر كبير من المصداقية

Author guidelines

Manuscript Preparation:

The manuscript must be taken with ethical permission from the ethical committee.

Manuscripts should be printed on A4 paper, 1. 5 line space with margins of at least 2.5 inch.

Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page. Manuscripts should not exceed twelve pages, including references minimum of 20, tables and illustrations. The text and references should follow the Port Said University Scientific Nursing Format.

Cover Letter

The cover letter assists to introduce a submission to the editorial staff. The letter should explain any potential conflicts concerning the exclusive nature of the paper.


Include the article title, author(s) name, and professional title and institution affiliations. Include the corresponding author’s name and exact postal address, current e-mail, telephone.


Not exceed 250 words, do not include abbreviations, footnotes or references. The abstract will have four sections (Background, Aim of the study, subjects and Method and Results) Conclusion/ recommendations will explain the significance of the work. A summary of Arabic should accompany the manuscript not exceeding (250) words and should not be a strict translation of the English abstract. Key Words:  should include at the end of the abstract page, not more than five keywords in alphabetical order, separated by a comma not including abbreviations.


Include relevant literature related to the problem of study, state the purposes and Significant of study and purposes.

Abbreviations should be spelled out the first time they are used.

The aim of the study
Subject and Method

1- Technical design

2- Operational design

3- Administrative design

4- Statistical design

Include the setting where the study was done, subjects of the study and criteria for selection, study design and tools for data collection and procedure.


Use tables and figures where appropriate, to improve the clarity of the presentation. Type the tables double-spaced on separate sheets. Place the table number (in Arabic numerals) and title above the table and any explanatory notes below the table.  Submit the figures in their actual size. The figure number and an arrow pointing to the top, on the back of each figure. Number of Table and figure maximum 8.


Discuss the results in relation to other relevant studies in the same field. 4.1 Limitations: if found Conclusion and Recommendations A conclusion may review the main points of the paper. Declaration of Conflicting Interests The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Funding Authors should list all funding sources in the Acknowledgments section. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their funder designation. If in doubt, please check the Open Funder Registry for the correct nomenclature.


A reference list must be included using APA. Style (http://nur.psu.edu.eg/liberary/endnote). Revision and Publication charge fees

Publication Fees Plagiarism Checker Fees:
    • Port Said University staff members: 100LE
    • Other Egyptian University staff members: 120LE Post graduate students: 120LE
    • Residents and non-residents authors: 25$ Note: plagiarism fees are supplied to the magazine’s account before the examination is conducted.
Reviewing Fees:
    • Port Said University staff members: 500LE for two reviewers and additional 250LE for a third reviewer.
    • Other Egyptian University staff members and post graduate students: 500LE for two reviewers and an additional 250LE for a third reviewer.
    • Residents and non-residents authors: 50$ for two reviewers and an additional 50$ for a third reviewer.
Publication Fees:
    • Port Said University staff members: 800LE up to 10 pages and 15LE for each additional page.
    • Other Egyptian University staff members: 1000LE up to 10 pages and 20LE for each additional page.
    • Port Said University staff members on a leave (working outside the university): 1200LE up to 10 pages and 20LE for each additional page.
    • Residents and non-residents authors: 250$ up to 10 pages and 7$ for each additional page.

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